Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Within my list of 130 famous people thought to be or have been autistic you can now find two witty and eccentric musicians who wrote different books both titled "Memoirs of an Amnesiac" (Erik Satie and Oscar Levant), an eccentric genius who had a special love of the colour red (Sir Isaac Newton) and another eccentric genius who had an aversion to the colour red (Glenn Gould), two obsessive Fischers, one deceased and one active in Australian public life, two friends who sadly died from separate cases of medical negligence (Andy Warhol and Nico), an eccentric genius who married a cousin, an eccentric genius who’s parents were cousins, a mother and a daughter who both won Nobel Prizes, a pair of creative brothers, two eminent lady scientists who’s deaths from cancer may have been the result of exposure to radioactivity during their careers, two fascinating and controversial Americans of colour, a pianist who's music was sent into space to entertain our alien friends (Gould again), a mathematician who was apparently so shy that he didn't like to look at his own reflection in a mirror, four brilliant men who were all members of the same secret society, a boy (fictional character?) who was the subject of a “semi-true” case study that became a popular classic book, and to top it all off, a nudist. No, I'm not making this up!

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