Thursday, August 27, 2009

US Senator shows an enlightened attitude towards autistic people as thinkers and employees!

I must thank ABFH for helping to spread the news about this speech through her blog Whose Planet Is It Anyway?

I don't know a thing about the politics of Sentator Dick Durbin, as I'm Australian and only mildly interested in politics, but I do love what this senator has said about some of the important achievements that autistic people have already made to society, and continue to make, despite the obstacles and unecessary problems created by the many well-meaning or openly prejudiced anti-autistic bigots out there.

I am also rather disappointed that the senator has apparently failed to recognize that autistic people in the world of work often face a different type of obstacle than those that challenge disabled people in general. For many autistic people the big problem is not so much a lack of support or a lack of training, or a need for accomodations, but a need for protection from harassment, bullying and discrimination. I guess it too much to expect a politician to give a speech that reminds the audience about the ugly side of human nature.

SPEECH: Employees with Disabilities--An Untapped Resource
Speech delivered by United States Senator Richard J. (Dick) Durbin
Thursday, August 13, 2009.

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