Thursday, March 03, 2011

The constant hum of chattering about Julian and WikiLeaks

The untold story of Julian Assange.
Robert Manne interviewed about Assange and WikiLeaks by Phillip Adams
Late Night Live. ABC Radio National 810am
March 2nd 2011

Julian Assange: the unknown story.

Robert Manne
The Monthly. March 2011.

Inside the brain of WikiLeak's Julian Assange.
Robert Manne
The Australian. March 5th 2011
[extract from Manne's article in The Monthly]

Host: Jenny Brockie
Insight. SBS TV
March 1st 2011


Justthisguy said...

I have read that Julian Assange lived in Byron Bay for a while. Sorry, Ma'am, but before I ever heard of Julian, I associated (in my mind) Byron Bay with Wicked Weasel bikinis. (itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny bikinis)

Being a boy-type person, that's the first thing which came to my mind.

Lili Marlene said...

Would this Byron Bay period have been when Assange was a boy with his Mum on the run from her ex? I wouldn't have thought an adult Assnage would have had a lot to gain from being in Byron Bay. I've never visited the place, but I believe it is full of ageing hippies, mind-altering substances and new age nonsense.

Could it possibly be time to look for a girlfriend, Justhisguy?